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With a focus on digital design and digital fabrication, DDF's master courses advance a creative, research-led environment that stimulates critical investigations into issues of circular construction and sustainability through computation, innovative construction methods and material systems, green technologies in architecture and interdisciplinary approaches. Students will engage with cutting-edge computational and digital manufacturing techniques, in project-based explorations at the interface of research and teaching. The aim is to identify and develop future trajectories, enabled by digital techniques, that can address current and upcoming environmental and societal challenges. Particular emphasis is placed on research-informed designs that deploy integrative digital strategies to incorporate varied aspects, from architectural to environmental, into a prototypical-oriented vision.

Current Master Courses

Common Futures

Master Design Studio

WS24/25 - LV1720805

Freie Studienarbeit

Master Course


Code Like Sofa



Previous Master Courses

Terra Timber

BSc & MSc Course

SS24 - LV1720810


BSc & MSc 1:1 Project


Global Threads

Master Studio

SS24 - LV1720805

Digital Upcycling: Wood

Master Studio

WS23/24 - LV1720805

Freie Studienarbeit

Master Course


Freie Studienarbeit

Master Studio



Master Course

SS23/24  - LV1720822

Computer Driven Design

Master Seminar

SS/23  - LV1720808

Match Making

Master Seminar

WS22/23  - LV1720807

Kulturkiosk Freiburg

Master Seminar

SS22  - LV1720811

Coding Interactive Prototypes

Master Seminar

SS23 - LV1720812

Freie Studienarbeit

Master Course

SS22 - LV1720809

Digital Wicker 2.0

Master Course

SS22 - LV1720810

Textile Steel

Master Course

WS21/22 - LV1720807

Reprogramming Wood Waste

Master Studio

SS23 - LV1720807

ReGrow Design

Master Course

WS22/23 - LV1720805

Digital Craft Seminarwoche

Master Course

SS22 - LV1720810

Digital Wicker

Master Course

WS 21/22 - LV1720805


Professur Digital Design and Fabrication - DDF
Institute for Building Design and Technology - IEB Tenure-Track Professor Moritz Dörstelmann


Karlsruhe Institute of Technology - KIT
Division IV - Natural and Built Enviroment Department of Architecture


Tel: +49 721 608-46685

Englerstraße 7
Building 20.40

76131. Karlsruhe

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